It’s here! Happy Haven Day!

I can officially, and with pride and joy, announce that Haven has been published.  Haven, Book 2 in The Breadwinner Trilogy, is NOW LIVE and available for purchase from Smashwords.  Unfortunately other sites like Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, Sony eReader Store, etc will be unavailable until Smashwords pushes Haven through to the premium catalog for distribution.  But, in the meantime you will be able to purchase in ANY format you need from Smashwords for $4.99, same deal as with The Breadwinner when that came out.

Amazon Kindle purchases will be available to you all as promised tomorrow morning.  I have already uploaded Haven and it is in the process of being posted!  So very soon my Amazon buyers, Haven will be in your hands!!  Smashwords is just very easily posted to so that is why it’s up sooner than planned.

So, without further delay, here is the direct purchase link for Haven:

That will take you to the Smashwords page and you can pick up your copy of Book 2 in The Breadwinner Trilogy.

I am also unable to upload the book to GoodReads until an ISBN is assigned, ah, the joys of self publishing, but it’s no news to me, I went through this in July and it just takes patience.  Until it’s available for purchase elsewhere, I hope you all purchase from Smashwords and Amazon and post your reviews on those sites until you are able to post to GoodReads.  Got some more exciting stuff happening tomorrow during the day including a first look exclusive review of Haven by The Bookie Monster, an interview with yours truly by Self Publisher’s Showcase and a review by that fabulous website as well of The Breadwinner.

I’m so thankful for all of your support and love!  Thank you readers and friends and family!  My second book has been published!  *Insert squeal of excitement*

Yes, I’ll be posting probably every day now lol, so keep up with the blog and go become a fan of The Breadwinner Trilogy on Facebook to stay up to date and on the same page as me!

Until later,
